디지털 귀 검진 모형
- 품명 디지털 귀 검진 모형
- 모델명 AR402
- 가격 0
- 제조사명 Adam,Rouilly
디지털 귀 검진 모형
▶ 귀 검진에 관한 실습이 가능한 모형.
▶ 48가지의 귀 상태가 표현되어 있으며, 해부학적으로 정확하게 표현되어 있는 귀 구조는 검이경을 이용한 귀 검진이 가능함.
▶ 간편하게 설치와 사용이 가능함.
▶ 부드럽고 유연한 귓바퀴와 외이도.
▶ 사용하기 편한 디지털 조작.
▶ 검사 커버는 컨디션 숫자를 가리고 연습 할 수 있도록 되어 있음.
▶ 디지털로 표현된 귀의 상태와 질병은 아래와 같음.
- Normal I
- Normal II
- Ear Wax (Cerumen)
- Swimmer’s Osteoma
- Fungal Ear I
- Fungal Ear II
- Acute Viral Ear
- Acute Secretory Otitis Media I
- Resolving Secretory Otitis Media
- Acute Secretory Otitis Media II
- Acute Secretory Otitis Media III
- Perforation following an Acute Suppurative Otitis Media (ASOM)
- Childhood Glue Ear
- Glue Ear in a Child with a Dermoid Cyst in the Eardrum
- Adult Glue Ear
- A Standard Ventilation Tube in the Membrane
- Infected Mini Grommet with Otitis Externa Secondary to a Mucus Discharge
- Permanent Ventilation Tube in Place
- Large Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane
- A Posterior Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane
- Two Small Traumatic Perforations following a Blow to the Ear
- Subtotal Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane
- Perforation with Tympanosclerosis
- Grommet Scar Healed
- Tympanosclerosis of Tympanic Membrane
- Posterior Retraction
- Retraction onto Long Process of the Incus
- Retraction with Loss of Long Process of the Incus and Keratin Trail
- Retraction with loss of Long Process of the Incus
- Posterior Retraction Pocket onto Jugular Bulb and with Middle Ear Fluid
- Retraction with Early Keratin Build Up
- Childhood Attic Retraction
- Deep Attic Retraction
- Attic retraction Accumulation Keratin – Underlying Cholesteatoma
- Extensive Accumulation with Cholesteatoma in Middle Ear
- Wet Cholesteatoma
- Clean Dry Reconstructed Mastoid Cavity
- Old Style Mastoid Cavity with Residual Cholesteatoma
- Mastoid Cavity with Fistula into Lateral Semicircular Canal
- Congenital Cholesteatoma
- Large Congenital Cholesteatoma
- Ear Canal Cholesteatoma I
- Ear Canal Cholesteatoma II
- Keratosis Obturans
- Glomus Tympanicum Tumours
- Glomus Jugulare Tumour
- Foreign bodies
- Aural Polyp