

디지털 귀 검진 모형


  • 품명 디지털 귀 검진 모형
  • 모델명 AR402
  • 가격 0
  • 제조사명 Adam,Rouilly
디지털 귀 검진 모형
▶ 귀 검진에 관한 실습이 가능한 모형. 
▶ 48가지의 귀 상태가 표현되어 있으며, 해부학적으로 정확하게 표현되어 있는 귀 구조는 검이경을 이용한 귀 검진이 가능함. 
▶ 간편하게 설치와 사용이 가능함. 
▶ 부드럽고 유연한 귓바퀴와 외이도.
▶ 사용하기 편한 디지털 조작. 
▶ 검사 커버는 컨디션 숫자를 가리고 연습 할 수 있도록 되어 있음. 
▶ 디지털로 표현된 귀의 상태와 질병은 아래와 같음. 
  1. Normal I
  2. Normal II
  3. Ear Wax (Cerumen)
  4. Swimmer’s Osteoma
  5. Fungal Ear I
  6. Fungal Ear II
  7. Acute Viral Ear
  8. Acute Secretory Otitis Media I
  9. Resolving Secretory Otitis Media
  10. Acute Secretory Otitis Media II
  11. Acute Secretory Otitis Media III
  12. Perforation following an Acute Suppurative Otitis Media (ASOM)
  13. Childhood Glue Ear
  14. Glue Ear in a Child with a Dermoid Cyst in the Eardrum
  15. Adult Glue Ear
  16. A Standard Ventilation Tube in the Membrane
  17. Infected Mini  Grommet with Otitis Externa Secondary to a Mucus Discharge
  18. Permanent Ventilation Tube in Place
  19. Large Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane
  20. A Posterior Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane
  21. Two Small Traumatic Perforations following a Blow to the Ear
  22. Subtotal Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane
  23. Perforation with Tympanosclerosis
  24. Grommet Scar Healed
  25. Tympanosclerosis of Tympanic Membrane
  26. Posterior Retraction
  27. Retraction onto Long Process of the Incus
  28. Retraction with Loss of Long Process of the Incus and Keratin Trail
  29. Retraction with loss of Long Process of the Incus
  30. Posterior Retraction Pocket onto Jugular Bulb and with Middle Ear Fluid
  31. Retraction with Early Keratin Build Up
  32. Childhood Attic Retraction
  33. Deep Attic Retraction
  34. Attic retraction Accumulation Keratin – Underlying Cholesteatoma
  35. Extensive Accumulation with Cholesteatoma in Middle Ear
  36. Wet Cholesteatoma
  37. Clean Dry Reconstructed Mastoid Cavity
  38. Old Style Mastoid Cavity with Residual Cholesteatoma
  39. Mastoid Cavity with Fistula into Lateral Semicircular Canal
  40. Congenital Cholesteatoma
  41. Large Congenital Cholesteatoma
  42. Ear Canal Cholesteatoma I
  43. Ear Canal Cholesteatoma II
  44. Keratosis Obturans
  45. Glomus Tympanicum Tumours
  46. Glomus Jugulare Tumour
  47. Foreign bodies
  48. Aural Polyp